Weaving Reality

A ball of yarn, an empty garden bed, a blank word document – raw materials to weave my reality.

Professional Writer November 7, 2012

Filed under: Writing — Kitty @ 9:30 am
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I sold my first story this week! “Noir Noel” will be in an anthology “Strange Christmas” which will be out later this month. It is a nice feeling to know someone wants to pay money to print my story. I am now a professional. 🙂

As for everything else, I have only sold 2 copies of “Treacherous Nature” this month. I need do something to pull that up to at least 5. The NaNo novel is going very well. I have written over 10,000 words and most of them are pretty good. I am enjoying the pace of a novel, which is so different than a short story. If this keeps going so well I hope to have it released in a few months.

It is going to be a long time before I can make a reasonable living from being a writer, but for the first time it does not feel like some silly pipe dream. I have been doing this seriously for 8 months, and this month will be the first money I get paid. Right now it looks like I will get a total of $36, from the sale of “Noir Noel”, Amazon and Gumroad combined. It is only enough money for one trip to the grocery store, but it is income. Maybe in December I will make $50. I just have to keep writing. Put a few more books on Amazon and Gumroad, get better at short stories and submit them everywhere. At this pace it will take a few years to start making minimum wage, but that is ok. I would gladly do this for minimum wage. I have been doing it for free the last 8 months.


7 Responses to “Professional Writer”

  1. I am so proud of you!

  2. You’re doing better than I am! Finally after Two Years I got done writing my novel. Now on to book 2.

  3. Issa Waters Says:

    I am so excited for you! You are amazing, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

  4. Lee Watts Says:

    It’s so exciting! You are making money as a writer, that’s something most writers dream of. Congrats!

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